Jade Viking Whetstone Pendant 3.1” x 1.3” x .40”
The Jade Viking Whetstone pendant is an all in one survival / sharpening solution. It’s the toughest gemstone there is, with robust durability vs impact and hardness capable of sharpening any steel. While diamonds are harder, jade is TOUGHER! diamonds crack easily when you hit them, but jade can take some abuse.
These sharpening stones come polished on all sides allowing you to choose which surface you want to change the grit on. When the surface texture is prepared semi coarse to very coarse with 80 to 220 grit surfacing, it sharpens at approximately a 600 to 1000 Grit level, letting you fix dull edges.
We recommend considering dressing the two skinny sides at a medium grit level with 400 - 600 grit sand paper for a fast cutting yet finer sharpening feel.
Finally we suggest you leave at least one surface polished how we send it so you can flip your stone over and on the finer side hone, strop and polish up to 30,000 grit for scary sharp edges. My personal preference is one large face fully polished for aesthetic reasons and also the largest honing / stropping surface.
Jade is a very unique stone, with density higher than fine Arkansas stones and a grit matrix that easily exposes sharpening particles depending on how you sand down the surface.
As the stone loads with steel it gets finer, we recommend that you scuff up the surface on occasion with a fine or rough diamond plate or sand paper to acheive the multi grit surface effect. The stone can quickly make the transition from the bevel setting grit to fine grit finishing when prepared in this way.
This sharpening stone is ultra hard, it cannot be gouged into with steel and it never needs to be flattened. If you mess up your sharpening angle you will not gouge into it. Jades durability means you’ll never grind it away during sharpening or from grit dressing it within multiple lifetimes.
Survival pendants made of whetstones are not a new trend. Small whetstones often were worn as pendants by many northern peoples, including Vikings. This Jade whetstone is a replicant of much softer slate whetstone pendants found in archaeological digs in York, England, but similar pendants have been found in Gotland, Norway, Kalåstad, and Birka.
I find Jade is a superior honing stone to the slate stones used historically. Jade is extremely strong and has a very tight grain. Thus it is excellent for final honing or taking on different rough surface textures, without being fragile.
This Viking Whetstone Pendant comes highly polished on all surfaces, as it expect that it will only do extremely fine honing. If you need help dressing the stone or have any questions about making it have rough grit surfaces please leave a comment in your order and if you’d like I will sand the surfaces for you.